import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate as si import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from string import split, join def readXY(filepath="./XYdata.txt"): data=open(filepath, "r") X=[] Y=[] for line in data: splitline=split(line) try: X.append(float(splitline[0])) Y.append(float(splitline[1])) except: pass data.close() return X, Y def getControlPoints(knots, k): n = len(knots)-1-k cx = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): tsum = 0 for j in range(1,k+1): tsum+=knots[i+j] cx[i] = float(tsum)/k return cx def plotSplineFunction(title = "Spline Function", offset_x = 0.5, offset_y = 0.05): plt.plot(coeffs_x, coeffs_y, 'go-') plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.plot(xP, yP, lw=2) plt.plot(knots, knotsy, 'gs') # ,markersize=10 plt.axis([xmin-offset_x, xmax+offset_x, ymin-offset_y, ymax+offset_y]) plt.grid(True) plt.title(title) def findLSQSplineRep(): global knots, knots_full, coeffs_y, coeffs_x, yP, knotsy lsqspline = si.LSQUnivariateSpline( x, y, knots, k=k, w = w) knots = lsqspline.get_knots() coeffs_y = lsqspline.get_coeffs() yP = lsqspline(xP) knotsy = lsqspline(knots) knots_full = np.concatenate(([knots[0]]*k, knots, [knots[-1]]*k )) coeffs_x = getControlPoints(knots_full, k) def findSmoothedSplineRep(s=0.005): global knots, knots_full, coeffs_y, coeffs_x, yP, knotsy spline = si.UnivariateSpline( x, y, k=k , s=s, w=w) knots = spline.get_knots() coeffs_y = spline.get_coeffs() yP = spline(xP) knotsy = spline(knots) knots_full = np.concatenate(([knots[0]]*k, knots, [knots[-1]]*k )) coeffs_x = getControlPoints(knots_full, k) ##################################### LOAD DATA POINTS ####################################### x, y = readXY("./data_charts/cy_f004.txt") # print "x:", x # print "y:", y ### set variables nsample = 100 nknot = 3 k=3 num_points=len(x) xmax=max(x) xmin=min(x) ymax=max(y) ymin=min(y) xP = np.linspace( x[0], x[-1], nsample ) # xP = np.linspace( x[0]-2, x[-1]+2, nsample ) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.axis([xmin-0.5, xmax+0.5, ymin-0.05, ymax+0.05]) plt.grid(True) plt.title("Data points") ### define weight vector to push further approximations stick to end points wend = 3 w = [wend] + [1]*(num_points-2) + [wend] ################################ FIND LSQ SPLINE REPRESENTATION ############################## ### try with uniform knot vector knot_offset=(xmax-xmin)/(nknot+1) knots = np.linspace( knot_offset, xmax-knot_offset, nknot ) findLSQSplineRep() plotSplineFunction(title = "LSQ spline function with uniform knot vector", offset_x = 1.) ### manually select best fitting non-uniform knot vector knots = [1.2, 1.85, 2.1, 2.4, 2.6] # !! knots = [1.2, 1.85, 2.3, 2.6, 3.2] # ! knots = [1.2, 1.85, 2.0, 2.7, 3.2] # !!! knots = [1.2, 1.85, 2.0, 2.8, 3.5] # !!!! findLSQSplineRep() plotSplineFunction(title = "LSQ spline function with manual selected non-uniform knot vector", offset_x = 1.) ############################ FIND SMOOTHED SPLINE REPRESENTATION ########################### findSmoothedSplineRep(s=0.1) plotSplineFunction(title = "Smoothed spline function s=0.1") # print "s=0.1, knots:", knots # findSmoothedSplineRep(s=0) # plotSplineFunction(title = "Polynomial spline interpolation") # print "s=0, knots:", knots findSmoothedSplineRep() plotSplineFunction(title = "Smoothed spline function s=0.005") # print "s=0.05, knots:", knots ############################ MANUALLY SELECT BEST_FITTING CONTROL POINTS ############################# ### try to comment next two rows to look at the original smoothed spline curve after parametrization coeffs_x = [ x[0], 1.1, 1.7, 2.16, 3.1, 3.0, x[-1]] coeffs_y = [ y[0], 0.11, 0.17, 0.32, 0.27, 0.19, y[-1]] ############################ PARAMETRIC SPLINE REPRESENTATION ############################# ### norm knot vector to number of points num_knots = len(knots_full) ka = (knots_full[-1] - knots_full[0])/(num_points) knotsp = np.zeros(num_knots) for i in range(num_knots): knotsp[i] = num_points-((knots_full[-1] - knots_full[i]))/ka # print "knotsp:", knotsp ### find parametric spline representation based on control points coordinates (coeffs_x, coeffs_y) tckX = knotsp , coeffs_x, k tckY = knotsp , coeffs_y, k splineX = si.UnivariateSpline._from_tck(tckX) splineY = si.UnivariateSpline._from_tck(tckY) coeffs_p = getControlPoints(knotsp, k) tP = np.linspace(0, num_points, 100) # tP = np.linspace(-20, num_points+20, 100) xP = splineX(tP) yP = splineY(tP) ################################## PLOT PARAMETRIC SPLINE CURVE ##################################### offset_x = (xmax-xmin)*0.05 offset_y = (ymax-ymin)*0.1 ct = 0.5 tadd = 0.5 # offset_x = (xmax-xmin)*0.2 # offset_y = (ymax-ymin)*0.2 # ct = 0.7 # tadd = 1.0 knotpoints_y = [ymin-offset_y*ct]*len(knotsp) knotpoints_x = [xmin-offset_x*ct]*len(knotsp) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(224) ax.grid(True) plt.plot(coeffs_x, coeffs_p, '-og') plt.plot(xP, tP, 'r', lw=2) plt.plot(knotpoints_x, knotsp, '>', ms=6, color='black') plt.ylim([-tadd, num_points+tadd]) plt.xlim([xmin - offset_x, xmax + offset_x]) plt.ylabel('t', rotation=0, labelpad=20, fontweight='bold', fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('x', labelpad=5, fontweight='bold', fontsize=14) ax.invert_yaxis() plt.title('Spline function x(t)') ax = fig.add_subplot(221) ax.grid(True) plt.plot(coeffs_p, coeffs_y, '-og') plt.plot(tP, yP, 'r', lw=2) plt.plot(knotsp,knotpoints_y, '^', ms=6, color='black') plt.xlim([-tadd, num_points+tadd]) plt.ylim([ymin - offset_y, ymax + offset_y]) plt.ylabel('y', labelpad=20, rotation=0, fontweight='bold', fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('t', labelpad=10, fontweight='bold', fontsize=14) ax.invert_xaxis() plt.title('Spline function y(t)') ax = fig.add_subplot(222) ax.grid(True) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.plot(coeffs_x, coeffs_y, '-og') plt.plot(xP, yP, 'b', lw=2.5) plt.xlim([xmin - offset_x, xmax + offset_x]) plt.ylim([ymin - offset_y, ymax + offset_y]) plt.title('Spline curve f(x(t), y(t))')
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